Helldivers Ship Modules: Reddit Users Share Mixed Sentiments on New Update

Helldivers players discuss the grind for 200 rare samples needed for new ship modules. Some are excited, others feel underwhelmed.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are buzzing about the new ship modules that require 200 rare samples each. Some players are gearing up for the grind, while others are feeling a bit skeptical about the value.


  • Players express mixed feelings about the worth of grinding for 200 rare samples.
  • Some find the modules underwhelming in impact compared to the effort required.
  • Others call for increased rare sample drops or a raise in the cap limit.

Players’ Excitement

One user, Sklatscht, expressed their excitement, saying, ‘love the clown emotes 🤡,’ showing enthusiasm for the update’s content beyond just the grind.

Grinding Fatigue

On the other hand, user Low-Many921 seemed fatigued, stating, ‘i’m tired boss,’ indicating a sense of weariness towards the grinding aspect of the game.

Impact of Modules

JesseMod93r shared, ‘I would be more hyped if these modules were impactful or impressive…they aren’t 200/200/20 good,’ suggesting a desire for more substantial upgrades.

Rare Sample Rarity

Some, like Evonos, expressed frustration with the rarity of rare samples, saying, ‘Rare samples are literally too rare…just more grinding won’t make me come back,’ highlighting the need for a balance in gameplay.