Helldivers Shoutout to Arrowhead Backend Engineers: Community Appreciation

The Helldivers community expresses gratitude to the Arrowhead backend engineers for their efforts.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Helldivers community is buzzing with appreciation for the Arrowhead backend engineers’ hard work and dedication. A post on Reddit sparked a wave of gratitude towards these unsung heroes.


  • The community shows immense appreciation for the Arrowhead backend engineers’ efforts.
  • Some users express concerns about the game’s functionality despite praising the engineers.
  • There is a mix of gratitude and constructive feedback in the comments.

The Heroes Behind the Scenes

The post highlights the often unrecognized hard work put in by the Arrowhead backend engineers. Users like Swordbreaker9250 express the sentiment that the engineers deserve substantial bonuses for resolving issues effectively.

Mixed Reactions

While many commend the engineers, GlurpGloop points out the discrepancy between praise and the game’s functionality issues. Some users, like Efficient-Act-627, request optimization for specific hardware configurations.

Community Appreciation

Overall, the community’s appreciation for the Arrowhead backend engineers is evident. From praising their dedication to highlighting areas for improvement, users express gratitude while also seeking enhancements for a better gaming experience.

The Helldivers community’s outpouring of thanks serves as a reminder of the importance of recognizing the efforts of behind-the-scenes contributors in the gaming industry.