Helldivers: That Charger Ain’t No Armored Core – Reddit Reacts

Chargers in Helldivers causing chaos - players react hilariously and critically!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Helldivers, Chargers are causing quite a stir among players, leading to a mix of amusement and frustration.


  • Players find Chargers both amusing and infuriating in their behavior.
  • The unpredictability of Charger attacks adds a chaotic element to gameplay.
  • Comments highlight the mixed reactions to Chargers, from high IQ bug jokes to genuine tactical concerns.

Charger Shenanigans

Some players find the Chargers’ ability to outmaneuver like a Honda Civic both hilarious and absurd, adding a touch of unconventional fun to the game.

Sentry Struggles

Others express frustration at Chargers instantly targeting and destroying sentry placements, leading to tactical dilemmas and resource wastage.

Mech Suit Misconceptions

A promotional message from Tien Kwan prompts skepticism among players regarding the actual value and durability of the mechsuits.

Combat Physics Puzzles

Discussions delve into the intricacies of combat interactions, analyzing the impact and stun mechanics in Charger engagements with mechs, sparking theories and observations about game physics.