Helldivers: The AFK Dilemma in Cooperative Play | Blog Gaming

Join the Pelican or face the wrath of AFK players in the intense world of Helldivers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of dealing with AFK players in Helldivers? Well, one player took matters into their own hands. Starsky99 decided that enough was enough when it came to players being absent during crucial moments in the game. Their post titled ‘I don’t care if you’ve been AFK for half the mission, you’re getting on the damn Pelican’ sparked a lively discussion in the Helldivers subreddit.


  • Starsky99’s frustration echoes many players’ sentiments towards AFK behavior.
  • Community members appreciate proactive players like Starsky99 who take action against AFK players.
  • Players recount their own experiences with AFK teammates and share their thoughts on the matter.

AFK Annoyances

Some users commended Starsky99 for their bold approach, seeing AFK players as a hindrance to the team’s success. Montykoro praised Starsky99’s initiative, highlighting the importance of active participation in cooperative gameplay.

Teamwork Triumphs

In contrast, others suggested alternative solutions, such as implementing a carry mechanic. Crusader_Colin proposed a mechanic to assist struggling players, emphasizing the value of teamwork over individual performance.

Divergent Experiences

Players shared their diverse encounters with AFK teammates, illustrating the varying perspectives on the issue. From humorous anecdotes to tactical maneuvers, the community showcased the dynamic nature of Helldivers’ cooperative play.

Gamers unite in their quest to overcome challenges and emerge victorious in the chaotic world of Helldivers. Whether facing relentless aliens or navigating the complexities of team dynamics, players strive to embody the ethos of unity and triumph. As the Pelican soars through the skies, carrying warriors forged in battle, the spirit of camaraderie prevails. So, grab your gear, rally your comrades, and dive into the adventure that awaits. Your destiny in the Helldivers universe beckons, and together, you shall conquer all.