Helldivers: The Charger Conundrum

Chargers, chargers everywhere - a comedic take on the overwhelming encounters faced by Helldivers players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are facing a relentless onslaught of chargers in the game, causing chaos and frustration. The community is hilariously sharing their experiences and thoughts on this charger conundrum.


  • Players are overwhelmed by the excessive number of chargers in Helldivers.
  • Some suggest chargers should damage each other upon collision for added challenge.
  • Community humorously discusses the chaos caused by chargers in gameplay.

Charger Chaos

Users are sharing their frustration with the sheer number of chargers in Helldivers, making gameplay chaotic and challenging.

Collision Chaos

Some players suggest that chargers should inflict damage on each other upon collision, adding a new layer of complexity to the game.

Community Comedy

The community finds humor in the overwhelming charger encounters, sharing funny anecdotes and observations about the chaos in gameplay.