Helldivers: The Mystery of Missing Roads on Planets

Join the Helldivers community in pondering the absence of roads on planets and its impact on gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players discuss the absence of roads on planets, questioning the lack of infrastructure amidst military bases and outposts. The community debates whether roads would enhance the immersive experience and gameplay dynamics.


  • Players speculate on the practicality and aesthetics of roads in the game.
  • Suggestions include adding vertical elements for combat dynamics.
  • Some argue that lore-wise, airships negate the need for roads.
  • The absence of roads sparks discussions on military strategies and infrastructure.

The Aesthetics of Infrastructure in Helldivers

In the world of Helldivers, the lack of roads poses an intriguing question regarding the visual and gameplay experience. Some players find the absence of roads immersion-breaking, as they struggle to envision how military bases and outposts function without proper infrastructure to connect them. The idea of roads weaving through the procedurally generated maps sparks creativity and realism for many players.

Lore vs. Gameplay Dynamics

While some argue that lore-wise, airships could fulfill all transportation needs, others emphasize the gameplay advantages that roads could bring. The debate between maintaining the game’s lore integrity and enhancing gameplay dynamics through realistic infrastructure is a central theme in the community discussions.

Military Strategies and Infrastructure

The absence of roads gives rise to discussions on military tactics and strategic placements in the game. Players delve into the reasoning behind the lack of visible infrastructure, with some proposing that the military deliberately avoids establishing easily traceable paths to key locations. This adds a layer of complexity to the gameplay dynamics and narrative of Helldivers.

As players continue to explore the mysteries of Helldivers’ world, the absence of roads remains an intriguing topic that sparks creativity and critical thinking within the community. Whether roads will be integrated into the game’s design in the future or remain a point of contention, the discourse surrounding this topic showcases the passion and engagement of the Helldivers player base.