Helldivers: The Turret Dilemma – More or Less?

Helldivers forum explodes with suggestions for new turret additions. Are more turrets the answer or a recipe for chaos?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the intense universe of Helldivers, the call for more turrets rings loud among players. Could this be the solution or the start of mayhem?


  • Players debate the need for additional turret types, from rail guns to manually guided mortars.
  • Some suggest new tech trees or specialization branches to customize turret deployment.
  • The idea of duplicate turret drops and continuous fire energy turrets sparks interest.

The Love for Turrets

Amidst the chaos of battle, players express their craving for diverse turret options. The allure of laser cannon turrets and the wish for flamethrower turrets bring excitement.

Diverging Opinions

While some advocate for more turret variations, others question the necessity of duplication. The debate on the effectiveness of specific turret types fuels the discussion.

The Balance Conundrum

As the community explores the idea of new turrets, concerns about game balance surface. Players ponder the impact of introducing powerful emplacement guns and energy turrets with cooldowns.

With each suggestion adding to the cacophony of voices, the Helldivers forum becomes a battleground of ideas, each turret proposal a potential game-changer. The community teeters on the edge of chaos, weighing the benefits of diversifying their arsenal against the risks of upsetting the delicate equilibrium of the game.