Helldivers Tier 5 Ship Modules – What the Community Thinks

Exploring the buzz around tier 5 ship modules in Helldivers. Is it a game-changer or a letdown? Let's dive in!

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers fans are abuzz about the tier 5 ship modules, discussing potential gameplay impacts and sharing excitement and concerns.


  • Players rejoice at the added depth tier 5 ship modules bring to the game.
  • There’s a mix of enthusiasm and skepticism regarding the impact on gameplay balance.
  • The community highlights the importance of rare samples in unlocking these modules.

Community Excitement

One user expressed their joy, “Mortars target tagged enemies? On the one hand… fucking YAY! On the other… whose?” The excitement is palpable in the community, with players eager to try out new strategies and tactics.

Rare Sample Woes

Another user pointed out, “Rare samples are the real bottleneck.” This bottleneck in acquiring rare samples for module upgrades is a common concern among players, adding a layer of challenge to the gameplay experience.

Game Balancing Concerns

Some players have reservations about the balance implications, with one user remarking, “Would ALL mortars fire on the designated target or just yours?” This uncertainty reflects a cautious approach to the potential impact of the new modules on gameplay dynamics.

The Helldivers community is buzzing with excitement and apprehension as they delve into the possibilities presented by tier 5 ship modules. With discussions ranging from gameplay strategies to resource management, players are eager to explore the new features and challenges that await them in the game.