Helldivers: Why Soldiers Don’t Jump – Reddit Community Insights

Exploring hilariously mixed sentiments on why soldiers shouldn't jump in Helldivers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered why soldiers in Helldivers don’t jump like typical heroes in games? The Reddit community has some entertaining insights on this topic!


  • Jumping mechanics spark debates on realism vs. gameplay immersion.
  • Players mockingly compare soldiers to hunters for their lack of acrobatics.
  • Some users enjoy the unique ragdoll physics that make jumping unnecessary.

Jumping Woes: Realism vs. Gameplay

Many players shared contrasting views regarding the absence of jumping mechanics for soldiers in Helldivers. Some users appreciated this design choice as it added realism to the gameplay.

Comparing Soldiers and Hunters

One amusing comparison that emerged from the comments was equating soldiers’ lack of jumping to hunters’ agility, with players finding humor in the disparity between the two roles.

Ragdoll Physics in Action

Users highlighted the significance of the ragdoll physics in Helldivers, emphasizing how moments of chaos and ragdoll animations added a unique charm to the game, making traditional jumping redundant.

Players even brought up humorous scenarios where soldiers attempting acrobatics would seem out of place, given the game’s focus on intense combat and strategic gameplay.

Ultimately, the absence of jumping mechanics in Helldivers seems to have fostered a sense of acceptance and even amusement within the community, showcasing the diverse perspectives players have on game design choices.