Honkai: Star Rail – Dr. Ratio’s Mysterious Pose Unraveled

A casual look into a trendy post discussing Dr. Ratio's mysterious pose in Honkai: Star Rail.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent online query, discussion arose concerning a particularly intriguing aspect of the game “Honkai: Star Rail” – specifically, gamers have been buzzing about the character known as Dr. Ratio, and a particular pose he strikes in game play.


  • Many gamers have observed similarities between Dr. Ratio’s pose and ‘the Kakyoin’s pose’, causing this topic to trend
  • Multiple users point out this might be one of the many ‘Jojo’s pose’ reference in the game
  • Some users humorously dismissed the similarity calling it a co-incidence
  • The overall reaction of the comments ranged from amused speculation to dismissal of the question posed

Key Observations

User juniorjaw comments ‘Nah just you‘, hinting that the similarity in arguably exclusive to the original poster’s observation. This casual dismissal adds a light-hearted tone to the conversation.

Icewolf_242 provides insight, pointing out that ‘The guy does a lot of Jojo refrences in his poses I think’, furthering the idea that this could be an in-game reference and not a pure coincidence.

The Humorous Take

We also have a funny turn from whiplash308, who brings in the famous ‘Buzz Lightyear meme’ into this discussion of poses with his comment ‘Buzz Lightyear meme intensifies’. Poses and memes, now that’s a fun combo!

Then there’s Blutwind who, with a healthy dose of snark, tosses in the question ‘did OP sleep?’. You’ve got to love a good sleep joke amongst gamers.

Splitting Opinions?

Even while some are amused others like Healthy_Agent_100, are considering the pose as ‘Foreshadowing?’, suggesting potential hidden meanings and developments yet to come.

All said and done, whether it’s a coincidence or an intended pose, the mere talk about it across gamers means, we all love a good pose, don’t we?