Honor Ranks in League of Legends: An Insight into Players’ Sentiments

A look into the sentiments of 'League of Legends' players on honor rankings and its reflection on gamers' behavior.

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Portal Staff

In the gaming world of ‘League of Legends’, a player’s honor level has long been a topic of discussion. As a case in point, a recent post by user ‘fapacunter’, piqued the interest of many gamers. This user shared his experience of striving to maintain a cool demeanor to keep the team united, consistently earning him an honor level of 5. Does this experience coincide with the rest of the community’s? Let’s delve into it.


  • Different players have varied experiences and feelings regarding the honor level system.
  • Some players have been able to maintain high honor levels despite resorting to shutting off the chat feature or being less positive.
  • A few players report getting honor points even when they don’t behave honorably.
  • There’s also a belief that just not typing can keep your honor level high.

The Striving Peacemakers

Many players echo ‘fapacunter’s sentiment. ‘Critical-Cupcake9194’ claims to have reached honor 5 in the current split despite not being a particularly positive player. They stated, they’ve resorted to simply disabling the chat when they get tilted.

The Skeptics and Realists

‘weschoaz’ takes this approach a step further, dubbing the system ‘fake’. They claim that they receive honor points in games despite not being particularly charitable or composed. Moreover, ‘SevenShortHours’ humorously reports their honor level as being ‘zero’.

Good behavior or Just Silence

There’s a belief among some players that maintaining a high honor level is as simple as avoiding typing in the chat. User ‘02837471901’ shares this viewpoint, claiming it’s not hard to just not type, which made us giggle by the way.

But What About the Majority?

Studies show that happiness is directly related to one’s social context. Looking at this League of Legends conversation, it’s clear that many players view honor level rankings as a reflection of their behavior. Others see it as a game mechanism that you can manipulate. The question we’re left asking, what does the average honor level tell us about the overall mood of the community?