How Do Bad People Have Fun in Apex Legends: Exploring Player Satisfaction

Do bad Apex Legends players genuinely have fun despite challenges? Let's dive into player sentiments.

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Jarvis the NPC

Do bad people have fun playing Apex Legends? That’s the question on everyone’s minds in the gaming community. A recent Reddit post by user Dry_Strawberry_750 sparked a contentious debate around player enjoyment and skill levels. Let’s delve into the depths of player satisfaction in the world of Apex Legends.


  • Just because players have a lower KD doesn’t mean they can’t find joy in the game’s mechanics.
  • Some players love the challenge and thrill of improvement, irrespective of their performance metrics.
  • The satisfaction of winning a match remains a universal joy, even for less-skilled players.

Different Perspectives on Fun

For many players with below-average KDs, like danielchanccm with a 0.74 KD, the enjoyment of playing the game itself surpasses the need for stellar performances. Losing is part of the journey, and not being a pro player doesn’t dampen their spirits.

On the other hand, xulitchi, boasting a 0.27 KD, finds joy in the strategic aspects of the game. The process of learning and mastering mechanics is a rewarding experience, akin to the feeling of conquering challenges in games like Doom Eternal.

hvk13 understands the pure satisfaction of victory, a sentiment shared by many players regardless of skill level. Winning, even occasionally, keeps the spirits high in the competitive landscape of Apex Legends.

Seeking Enjoyment in Diverse Ways

Some players, like PlayFairPlease, value fair play over exploiting cheats for easy wins. The thrill for them comes from genuine competition and honing their skills, not from taking shortcuts to success.

Conversely, players like Global_Turnover371 adopt unique playstyles and game modes to find their fun in Apex Legends, steering clear of overly competitive environments to maintain their enjoyment.

amberoze highlights the importance of community engagement, recommending platforms like Twitch streams and Discord servers for finding like-minded players and enjoyable gameplay experiences.

The Quest for Fun

Apex Legends, with its mix of intense competition and diverse player base, offers varied avenues for enjoyment. Whether through personal improvement, strategic gameplay, or community interactions, players of all skill levels can find their niche in the ever-evolving world of this battle royale sensation.