How Finished is Hades II? Gamers’ Sentiments Revealed

Gamers debate the completeness of Hades II - Is it worth diving into yet?

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades II is a hot topic among gamers, with players deliberating on its completion status before jumping in. Is it truly ready for primetime, or does it need more polish? Let’s dive into the thread and see what the community has to say!


  • Players find the gameplay polished but miss the depth of the narrative in Hades 1.
  • Hades II boasts around 20 hours of content, with more regions on the horizon.
  • The game is technically sound, with minimal bugs reported.
  • The heat system offers customizable difficulty levels for players.

Deeper Gameplay Experience

Users like Ulidas appreciate the polished gameplay of Hades II but note the lack of narrative depth compared to its predecessor, Hades 1. This sentiment is echoed by many who crave a more immersive storytelling experience.

Content and Regions

Glittering_Storm_865 sheds light on the substantial content present in Hades II, with players expected to invest at least 20 hours before uncovering all the game has to offer. Additionally, the promise of new regions in upcoming updates keeps the community intrigued and engaged.

Technical Excellence

Players, including Demoted_Redux, commend the technical prowess of Hades II, citing minimal bugs and consistent patch updates that enhance the game’s visuals. This attention to detail contributes to an overall polished gaming experience.

niyalune adds that the game offers two distinct paths for runs, each with its own challenges and rewards. Despite some placeholder art and unfinished elements, players appreciate the overall quality of the game’s presentation.

While some players, like Educational-Cat-6445, express concerns about potential burnout before the official release, the general consensus leans towards a positive outlook on Hades II, praising its gameplay mechanics, content depth, and technical refinement. As the game continues to evolve through patches and updates, players eagerly await its full release, anticipating an even richer gaming experience.