How I Rate Mage Supports in Smite Right Now

Find out which mage supports are the best and worst in Smite according to the Reddit community. Some are loved, some are questioned, and some are just plain throwing.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to playing Smite, choosing the right mage support can make or break your game. But with so many options available, it can be hard to know which gods are worth their weight in gold and which ones are better left on the bench.


  • Aphrodite, Hel, Nox, Baron, and Eset are top-tier mage supports.
  • Disco, Morrigan, and Olorun are regarded as better than Nu Wa as supports.
  • Scylla has been pushed down while Poseidon has moved up in the rankings.
  • Below B tier gods are not recommended for ranked play, but can be fun in casual matches.

Aphro and Baron Reign Supreme

User aTyc00n believes that Aphrodite, Hel, Nox, Baron, and Eset are the cream of the crop. They say, ‘Anything else and you’re throwing.’ These gods are highly regarded by the community for their effectiveness and versatility.

Disco and Morrigan Make Nu Wa Questionable

Rathylar argues that Disco, Morrigan, and Olorun are all better choices for a mage support than Nu Wa. They claim, ‘Disco, Morrigan and Olorun are all better than Nu wa sup.’ This raises questions about the viability of Nu Wa as a support option.

Eset’s Popularity Plummeting

Even though Eset is considered a top-tier mage support by many, the post’s author, turnipofficer, admits that they may have overrated her. They say, ‘I probably over-rated Eset, I think she has fallen off a bit and certainly her popularity has plummeted, but I think she still has a lot of potential.’ Despite her decline in popularity, some players still find success with Eset.

The Great Debate of Ix Chell

The inclusion of Ix Chell as a C-tier mage support has sparked some debate. turnipofficer explains that they felt peer pressured to include her due to her popularity among players. They state, ‘I’ve seen so many people try it, I’ve yet to be impressed by a single one.’ While some argue that Ix Chell is a strong choice, others believe that her abilities are better suited for other roles.

Inconsistencies in the Rankings

User xharpya points out some inconsistencies in the rankings, criticizing the placement of Disco and Morrigan below He Bo, Janus, and Poseidon. They state, ‘Disco and Morri under He Bo, Janus and Poseidon make your list very questionable.’ This highlights the subjective nature of rating mage supports and the differing opinions within the community.

Hail Ixchel, the Supp Queen

Chiming in on the debate, ILuhBlahPepuu argues that Ixchel is actually a better mage support than Hel. They state, ‘Ixchel is better than hel in supp.’ This adds another layer of complexity to the discussion and showcases the variety of opinions when it comes to mage supports in Smite.

While this post provides valuable insights into the current state of mage supports in Smite, it’s important to remember that these rankings are subjective and may not align with everyone’s experiences. Ultimately, the best way to determine which mage support is right for you is to try them out and see which one fits your playstyle and preferences. Happy supporting!