How Loopholes are Aiding Toxic Players in League of Legends: A Deeper Look

Exploring how toxic players manipulate game mechanics in League of Legends to bypass punishments.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, a recent post by gamer LilSluggerZ has brought an interesting issue to light. It appears that particularly unsporting players, tagged as ‘toxic,’ are potentially circumventing ranked play penalties by creating multiple accounts and artificially controlling the outcomes of normal games.


  • Many toxic players are accused of manipulating remakes in quickplay ere, rendering their penalties ineffective.
  • Other commenters believe that Riot Games’ reporting system is ineffective, allowing these activities to continue.
  • Players suggest making the penalty harsher, such as requiring wins rather than plays in normal games.

Community’s Perspective

Commenter ashimashi-latarashi expresses frustration at the issue and suggests the post might be suppressed due to its contentious nature. Similarly, bad_boy_barry and SuperKalkorat chimed in, noting such manipulations were expected when the penalties were initially announced.

The Developer’s Conundrum

The game developers appear to be stuck between a rock and a hard place, with XO1GrootMeester questioning the mechanics of match-making and remakes, and Meekelxd stating remakes do not count towards “Play 5 Normal Games” Ranked Penalty.

Impacted Players’ Reaction

Players within the game who bear the brunt of these systemic hitches vary wildly in their reactions. Low_Dog_7741 criticizes the restrictions on the chat functionality and its perceived impact on game-play, whereas Shadysu sarcastically talks about getting around penalties.

So here’s where we’re at: the tug of war between toxic players and system solutions is ongoing in The League of Legends. While some players are finding ways around the restrictions, others are vying for a more effective means of handling this toxicity. Is it high time that Riot Games took another long, hard look at their penalty system? Only time will tell. Sending love and less toxic gameplays, peeps!