How Players are Using 9 Dragons Claw to Counter Ahri in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Discover the surprising in-game strategies TFT players are utilizing to counter Ahri with 9 Dragons Claw.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the challenging world of Team Fight Tactics (TFT), players have found an interesting counter to Ahri- the use of an item called Dragons Claw, and not just one, but nine of them.


  • An ingenious strategy was displayed in a TFT match where the opponent built nine Dragons Claws to counter Ahri effectively.
  • The effectiveness of this tactic surprised the poster, who was perplexed about why their Ahri couldn’t deal damage.
  • Other players suggest the role of Qiyana in the item duplication process.
  • The unusual strategy provided a light-hearted and amusing moment to the players.

Innovative Strategy

TFT is known for unique strategies, but this incident was truly original. The strategy involves the accumulation of nine Dragons Claws, a defensive item that boosts magic resistance. Knowing this, it’s clear why Ahri’s magic-based attacks were ineffective. The humor was further amplified due to the poster’s obliviousness to the situation right until the end of the match.

Community Response

The community has responded with both surprise and amusement. One user, warded1122, suggested that Qiyana was most likely bouncing the Dragon Claw of the player’s Neeko. Another user, FishOfFishyness, humorously added that the opponent was ‘clawing his way to victory’

Counter Strategy

Despite the humorous nature of the strategy, it raises a valid discussion about counter strategies in TFT. As noted by MDAlastor, ‘sometimes something like this is needed even when you have a super good team with bis items and your enemy has only Ahri with mediocre tanky units.’ The effectiveness of the strategy also raises questions about the balance in the game, as Ahri with just tanky units seems unstoppable unless faced with nine Dragons Claws.

Overall, this incident was a quirky revelation that not only brought some laughs but also sparked an interesting discussion about strategies in Team Fight Tactics.

Categories TFT