How Strong Would Your Fireteam Be if It Were All Clones of Yourself? – Destiny 2 Discussion

Join the conversation about how effective your fireteam would be if it consisted solely of clones of yourself in Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

Imagine a fireteam in Destiny 2 made up entirely of clones of yourself. What strengths and weaknesses would they bring to the table? How well would they fare in PvE and PvP activities? These questions sparked a fascinating discussion in the Destiny 2 subreddit:


  • Clones would excel at mechanics but struggle with boss damage, as mentioned by several users.
  • Communication would improve in Trials, enhancing gameplay experiences.
  • Ad clear might suffer while boss DPS could be exceptional, creating a balance of strengths.

Fireteam Mechanics

Gaffroninja’s original post raised thought-provoking questions about the theoretical makeup of a fireteam composed of clones of the author himself. While some users highlighted potential strengths and weaknesses, others pondered the impact on various activities within Destiny 2.

Struggles and Successes

Users like MudDapper2499 pointed out that boss damage might be outstanding with multiple clones equipped with Nighthawk. However, ad clear responsibilities could suffer, creating a potential challenge in encounters requiring both tasks.

PvP and PvE Balance

Express_Raise6198 shared insights on personal strengths and weaknesses, indicating confidence in handling endgame PvE content but uncertainty in Trials due to a break from the game. This exemplifies the diverse experiences and challenges faced by players in different game modes.

Flammzzrant also contributed by noting potential improvements in Trials due to enhanced communication among clones, underscoring the importance of teamwork in achieving success in competitive activities.

While each clone may bring a unique set of skills to the fireteam, the collective strengths and weaknesses would shape the overall performance in Destiny 2 activities.