How to Avoid Hand and Wrist Strain While Playing Valorant

Struggling with hand and wrist pain while playing Valorant? Check out these tips from fellow gamers to keep you in the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Valorant enthusiasts often face a common foe: hand and wrist pain from intense gameplay. Whether it’s the endless clicks in a match or the swift mouse movements, the struggle is real for gamers like ‘oreoblizzy’ who recently shared their own struggles on Reddit.


  • Seeking advice on dealing with hand and wrist pain during Valorant gameplay.
  • Recommendations range from suggesting different mouse grips to taking breaks and seeking medical advice.
  • Community emphasizes the importance of relaxation techniques and proper ergonomics.

Struggling with Pain

‘oreoblizzy’ shared frustration over persistent hand and wrist pain despite trying various adjustments, seeking advice from the community on potential solutions. Some users suggested exercise, like ‘MR_2POSITIVE’s recommendation to hit the gym, emphasizing self-care as crucial when gaming intensely.

Mouse Grip Matters

Concerns were raised regarding mouse grip, with ‘MF_COOM’ proposing a switch from palm to fingertip gripping with a smaller mouse to alleviate strain. The emphasis on ergonomic setups indicates a growing awareness of the impact of peripheral devices on physical health.

Health Concerns

The conversation also touched on potential health conditions, with ‘Salt_Nature7392’ mentioning carpal tunnel syndrome and the necessity of medical intervention for such issues. It serves as a reminder to consider long-term consequences of gaming habits on physical well-being.

Relaxation and Awareness

‘Zai710’ highlighted the importance of staying relaxed during gameplay to prevent injuries, emphasizing the role of tension in creating physical strain. ‘LetsPlayDrew’ took a humorous approach, linking gaming discomfort to lifestyle choices, urging ‘oreoblizzy’ to swap Oreos for workouts.

As the gaming community navigates the balance between passion and physical well-being, it’s clear that discussions around ergonomics and health are gaining traction among players. While the allure of intense gameplay is undeniable, taking proactive steps to prevent injuries is becoming a crucial part of the gaming experience.