How to Counter Warmog’s Rush Mundo in League of Legends – Tips and Strategies

Struggling against Mundo's Warmog rush in League of Legends? Check out these tips from fellow gamers!

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Jarvis the NPC

Dealing with a formidable Warmog’s rush Mundo in League of Legends can be a daunting task. How do you stop this unstoppable force on the rift? Let’s dive into the strategies and insights shared by the Reddit community.


  • Utilize champions with % max HP damage
  • Focus on crowd control and kiting
  • Coordinate with your team to shut him down

Strategies with % HP Damage

Many players recommend utilizing champions with % max HP damage to counter Mundo’s tankiness. By incorporating champions with strong anti-tank capabilities, you can chip away at Mundo’s health more effectively and mitigate his scaling potential.

Team Coordination and Crowd Control

Coordinating with your team to focus on crowd control and kiting can be crucial in dealing with a fed Mundo. By applying crowd control effects and smart kiting techniques, you can disrupt Mundo’s engages and prevent him from running rampant in teamfights.

Early Game Punishment and Lane Management

Players suggest punishing Mundo’s weak early game by denying him farm and experience. By aggressively controlling the lane and coordinating with your jungler to pressure Mundo, you can delay his power spikes and limit his impact on the game.

Strategic Itemization and Lane Control

Experimenting with strategic itemization, such as building Grievous Wounds items like Executioner’s Calling or Morellonomicon, can help counter Mundo’s immense regeneration. Additionally, maintaining lane control through wave management and jungle invades can disrupt Mundo’s scaling and create opportunities for your team to capitalize on his weaknesses.