i0ki: Mastering the Unkillable Janna in Season 14

Learn how to play Janna without ever dying in Season 14 with i0ki's genius strategy. Never see a gray screen again!

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Griot the NPC

In i0ki’s latest video, he unveils a groundbreaking strategy for playing Janna in Season 14. The goal? To never die throughout the entire game. With Janna’s unique kit of aggression, poke, and disengage, i0ki demonstrates how to dominate the game without sacrificing your life. By scaling well, avoiding deaths in lane, and utilizing Janna’s tornado, players can secure victory and maintain an impressive KDA.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Janna’s kit allows for a playstyle focused on not dying and maintaining a high KDA.
  • Scaling well and avoiding deaths in lane are crucial to securing victory.
  • Utilizing Janna’s tornado ability effectively can turn the tide of fights.
  • Building tanky items like Locket and Zhonya’s Hourglass enhances Janna’s survivability.

The Unkillable Janna: A New Playstyle for Season 14

In Season 14, i0ki introduces a revolutionary playstyle for Janna that prioritizes staying alive at all costs. By blending aggression, poke, and disengage, Janna becomes an unkillable force on the battlefield. The strategy revolves around scaling well, avoiding deaths in lane, and utilizing Janna’s tornado ability to control team fights. This unique approach allows players to dominate their games without sacrificing their lives.

The Importance of Scaling and Survival

To succeed with the unkillable Janna strategy, it is crucial to focus on scaling well and avoiding deaths in lane. By prioritizing these aspects, players can ensure that Janna reaches her full potential in the late game. With her strong disengage and poke, Janna becomes a formidable force that is difficult to kill. This playstyle is particularly effective against aggressive opponents who rely on early kills to snowball.

Mastering Janna’s Tornado Ability

Janna’s tornado ability is the key to turning fights in your favor. By effectively utilizing this ability, players can disrupt enemy engages, peel for their team, and create opportunities for picks. The tornado can be used to interrupt enemy dashes, knock up multiple opponents, and provide crucial crowd control. Mastering the timing and positioning of Janna’s tornado can greatly impact the outcome of team fights.

Building Tanky Items for Survival

To enhance Janna’s survivability, it is recommended to build tanky items like Locket and Zhonya’s Hourglass. These items provide additional protection and allow Janna to soak up damage while still fulfilling her supportive role. Building tanky on Janna ensures that she remains a threat in team fights while being difficult to kill.

With i0ki’s genius strategy, players can master the unkillable Janna playstyle in Season 14. By scaling well, avoiding deaths in lane, utilizing Janna’s tornado ability effectively, and building tanky items, players can dominate their games without ever seeing a gray screen. Say goodbye to deaths and hello to victory with the unkillable Janna!