i0ki: Pyke has a NEW BUILD in Season 14… (and it’s broken)

Discover the new Pyke build for Season 14 that's causing chaos on the Rift. Find out how to maximize Pyke's potential in this blog post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Pyke mains, rejoice! i0ki has just released a video showcasing a new build for Pyke in Season 14, and it’s absolutely broken. With the introduction of new lethality items, Pyke has become a force to be reckoned with on the Rift. In this video, i0ki takes us through a ranked game where he demonstrates the power of this new build.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The new lethality items, such as Voltaic Cyclos Sword and Umbrell Glaive, synergize perfectly with Pyke’s kit, making him a top-tier champion in Season 14.
  • The new support AD item, Blood Sword, adds even more power to Pyke’s kit, making him a viable choice in the top lane as well.
  • Pyke’s level 1 is incredibly strong, making it important to utilize his early game potential to secure kills and snowball the game.
  • Be aware of how the stacks on Pyke’s support item are used, as farming minions and hitting enemy champions both consume stacks.

The Power of the New Build

In Season 14, Pyke has become a force to be reckoned with thanks to the introduction of new lethality items. The Voltaic Cyclos Sword, in particular, synergizes perfectly with Pyke’s dashes and stealth, making his engages even deadlier. Paired with the Umbrell Glaive and the new support AD item, Blood Sword, Pyke becomes a top-tier champion that can dominate both in the support role and in the top lane.

Maximizing Pyke’s Potential

When playing Pyke, it’s important to utilize his early game strength to secure kills and snowball the game. His level 1 is incredibly strong, so take advantage of it by looking for early ganks and securing kills for your team. However, be mindful of the stacks on Pyke’s support item, as they are consumed both when farming minions and when hitting enemy champions.

Additionally, in team fights, it’s crucial to let your mid laner initiate the fight before engaging as Pyke. This allows you to catch enemies off-guard and capitalize on their commitment to the fight. In terms of runes, the recommended setup is Halo Blades, Cheap Shot, Zombie Ward, and Ultimate Hunter, although options like Relentless and Bone Plating can also work depending on the situation.

The new build for Pyke in Season 14 is undeniably powerful. With the right items and gameplay strategy, Pyke can become a dominant force on the Rift, whether in the support role or in the top lane. It’s an exciting time for Pyke mains, and this video by i0ki provides valuable insights and tips on how to maximize Pyke’s potential in the new season.