i0ki: The Double Support Strategy That’s Taking Over the Game

Discover the double support strategy that's dominating the game and learn how to abuse the OP support item upgrades.

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Jarvis the NPC

In i0ki’s latest video, he introduces the double support strategy that is currently taking the gaming world by storm. In this strategy, he teams up with his friend to play an unskilled yet incredibly powerful bot lane. By utilizing the new OP support item upgrades, they are able to stack crazy shields and heals, making them virtually unkillable. The strategy revolves around both players buying support items and farming without getting the gold debuff. This allows them to outscale their opponents and dominate team fights. Let’s delve deeper into the key takeaways from the video:

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Key Takeaways:

  • The double support strategy involves playing an aggressive bot lane with two support champions.
  • Both players buy support items and farm without getting the gold debuff to maximize their gold income.
  • The strategy relies on abusing the OP support item upgrades to stack shields and heals.
  • Once out of laning phase, the team becomes an invincible death ball that is almost impossible to kill.

The Power of Double Support

In the video, i0ki showcases the power of the double support strategy by playing Sona and Seraphine. Despite not having any items, their lane dominance is evident as they easily win trades against a Lucian and Nami. The key to their success lies in their ability to stack passive and support item gold without getting the gold debuff. By doing so, they amass a significant gold advantage, allowing them to scale quickly.

Furthermore, the synergy between Sona and Seraphine’s abilities amplifies their effectiveness in team fights. With the Celestial Opposition support item, they gain built-in crowd control and enhanced healing and shielding. This makes them incredibly difficult to burst down, even for high-damage champions like Lucian.

Itemization and Rune Choices

i0ki provides insights into the optimal itemization and rune choices for the double support strategy. He recommends building Moonstone Renewer into Staff of Flowing Water for increased healing and movement speed. Additionally, the Dacore item provides enhanced heal and shield power, making it a crucial item for healer and shielder champions.

In terms of runes, i0ki suggests taking Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm, Conditioning, and Revitalize. These runes synergize well with the double support playstyle, providing additional shields, heals, and scaling power.

Domination in Team Fights

As the game progresses, i0ki and his teammate demonstrate the true potential of the double support strategy in team fights. With their abundance of shields and heals, they become an unstoppable force, effortlessly diving into the enemy team and surviving even the most intense engagements.

Their ability to empower their teammates is exceptional, allowing them to run down enemies and secure multiple kills. The opponents are left helpless, unable to burst down the double support duo due to their immense sustain and survivability.

The double support strategy showcased by i0ki in his video is a game-changer. It offers a unique playstyle that combines aggressive laning with incredible scaling and team fight dominance. Whether you’re a support main or looking to try something new, the double support strategy is definitely worth exploring. Give it a try and see how it revolutionizes your gameplay!