i0ki: The Double Support Strategy That’s Taking Over the Game

Discover the double support strategy that's dominating the game and learn how to abuse the new OP support item upgrades.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the latest video from i0ki, he introduces viewers to the double support strategy that is currently taking over the game. In this strategy, i0ki teams up with his friend to play an aggressive bot lane with Lucian and Nami, utilizing the power of double support items. The key to this strategy is the new OP support item upgrades, particularly Celestial Opposition, which provides a built-in Crown effect. i0ki explains that this strategy has been used by top players, including Cupic, who hit Challenger using this strategy in every game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The double support strategy involves playing an aggressive bot lane with Lucian and Nami.
  • The strategy relies on the power of double support items and abusing the new OP support item upgrades.
  • Celestial Opposition is a crucial item in this strategy, providing a built-in Crown effect.
  • This strategy has been used by top players, including Cupic, who hit Challenger using it.

The Double Support Strategy in Action

In the video, i0ki and his friend demonstrate the power of the double support strategy. They explain that the strategy revolves around both players buying support items and maximizing their gold income. The goal is to outscale the opponents and create an invincible deathball in team fights.

They highlight the importance of key runes, such as Summon Aery, Manafow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm, Conditioning, and Revitalize, which provide additional shielding and healing power. The combination of Sona and Seraphine’s abilities and items results in an overwhelming amount of shields and heals for their team.

i0ki emphasizes the significance of the support items’ gold debuff. By coordinating their farming, both players can avoid the gold debuff and accumulate more gold than their opponents. This gives them a significant advantage in terms of itemization and scaling.

The Power of Celestial Opposition

Celestial Opposition, the key item in this strategy, is described as a built-in Crown effect. It provides additional shielding and healing power, making the double support duo difficult to burst down. The item’s stats, including ability haste, base mana regen, and heal and shield power, make it a must-have for Sona and Seraphine.

The video showcases numerous team fights where i0ki and his friend are virtually unkillable. They effortlessly sustain themselves and their teammates with an abundance of shields and heals. The opponents struggle to burst them down and are eventually overwhelmed by the double support duo.

The double support strategy presented by i0ki is a game-changer in the current meta. It offers an innovative and highly effective approach to dominating the bot lane and scaling into late game team fights. With the power of double support items and the Celestial Opposition, players can create an invincible deathball that is difficult to counter. This strategy is already making waves in pro play, and it’s worth trying out in your own games to experience its potency firsthand.