i0ki: The Power of Warmogs in the Support Role

Discover how the item Warmogs is transforming the support role and providing tankiness and sustain to champions like Leona and Zilean.

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Griot the NPC

In i0ki’s recent video, he dives into the power of the item Warmogs in the support role. He explains that Warmogs is no longer just a support item, but the support item that every champion is building. It provides an unbelievable amount of tankiness and sustain, making it a game-changer for the support landscape.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Warmogs is the new go-to item for supports, with high win rates and play rates on champions like Leona, Nautilus, and Zilean.
  • By taking scaling health shards in your runes, you can easily first item Warmogs.
  • Warmogs provides a massive amount of health, movement speed, base health regen, and built-in regen when out of combat.
  • Champions with built-in resistances, like Leona, benefit greatly from Warmogs’ tankiness.

The Power of Warmogs in the Support Role

In i0ki’s video, he showcases the incredible power of Warmogs in the support role. He explains that Warmogs is no longer just a support item, but the support item that every champion is building. It has become the go-to item for champions like Leona, Nautilus, and Zilean.

What makes Warmogs so powerful is its ability to provide an unbelievable amount of tankiness and sustain. By taking scaling health shards in your runes, you can easily first item Warmogs. Once you have it, Warmogs provides a massive amount of health, movement speed, base health regen, and built-in regen when out of combat.

This item completely transforms the support landscape. Champions like Leona, who already have built-in resistances, become incredibly tanky with just one item. With Warmogs, supports can play much more aggressively, take trades without having to recall, and have a significant impact on fights.

Testing Warmogs on Leona and Zilean

In the video, i0ki tests Warmogs on both Leona and Zilean. He showcases just how powerful the item is on these champions. Leona, with her built-in resistances, becomes an unstoppable tank with Warmogs. She can engage, soak up damage, and regenerate her health bar in seconds when out of combat.

Zilean also benefits greatly from Warmogs, becoming incredibly tanky and difficult to kill. The item’s regen allows Zilean to feel invincible, making him a formidable force in team fights.

Overall, i0ki’s video highlights the game-changing impact of Warmogs in the support role. It provides a level of tankiness and sustain that completely transforms how supports can play and impact the game. If you’re a support player looking to dominate the game, Warmogs is the item for you.