i0ki: The Terrifying Reason that Teemo Support is Meta Now

Discover why Teemo Support has become a dominant force in the meta with a 55% win rate, incredible scaling, and synergy with new AP items.

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Jarvis the NPC

Teemo support has finally gained global recognition, with a 55% win rate in season 14 across all elos. i0ki explains why this off-meta pick is now a dominant force in the bot lane. Teemo’s blind ability hard counters at least one person in the lane, and his incredible scaling and synergy with new AP items make him a formidable support choice. In this video, i0ki demonstrates how to carry with Teemo support and secure some free elo.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Teemo support has a 55% win rate in season 14 across all elos
  • Teemo’s blind ability hard counters at least one person in the lane
  • Teemo has incredible scaling and synergizes well with new AP items
  • Playing Teemo support requires a hit-and-run style and strategic placement of shrooms

Teemo Support: A Dominant Force in the Bot Lane

Teemo support has become a dominant force in the bot lane, with a 55% win rate in season 14 across all elos. This off-meta pick has finally gained global recognition, and i0ki explains why it is now a viable choice for supporting your team.

One of the key strengths of Teemo support is his blind ability, which hard counters at least one person in the lane. This can give you a significant advantage in trades and make it difficult for the enemy ADC to farm effectively. Teemo’s blind also synergizes well with the new AP items, allowing him to maximize his damage output.

Another strength of Teemo support is his incredible scaling. As the game progresses, Teemo becomes a formidable threat with his shrooms and high burst damage. He can stall games out with his shrooms, making it difficult for the enemy team to push and giving your team more time to scale. The new AP items further enhance Teemo’s scaling and make him a force to be reckoned with in team fights.

Playing Teemo support requires a hit-and-run style. You want to pop out of the bush, get an auto attack and a Q off, and then quickly retreat. This allows you to maximize your damage while minimizing the risk of retaliation. Strategic placement of shrooms is also crucial. You want to use them to disrupt ganks and create escape routes for yourself and your ADC.

Itemization for Teemo Support

When it comes to itemization, there are a few key items that work well with Teemo support. Leandry’s Anguish is still the go-to item for Teemo, providing him with additional damage and burn effects. Malignant Sliver is also a great choice as a third or fourth item, providing Teemo with additional burst damage. i0ki recommends building Leandry’s into Shadow Flame into Storm Surge for maximum damage output.

Overall, Teemo support is a viable and powerful choice in the current meta. It offers unique strengths and synergies that can catch the enemy team off guard and secure victories for your team. If you haven’t tried Teemo support yet, give it a shot and see how it can elevate your gameplay.