i0ki: Thresh is the PERFECT Support in Season 14… (HE’S BACK!)

Discover why Thresh is dominating as a support in Season 14 in i0ki's latest video. Learn about his versatile build options and strong laning phase.

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Griot the NPC

In i0ki’s latest video, he explores why Thresh is the perfect support in Season 14. Thresh is a versatile champion with the ability to build a variety of items, making him a strong pick in the current meta. With the rise of powerful Marksmen, Thresh’s ability to enable and protect his ADC makes him a valuable asset on the team.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Thresh’s versatility allows him to build a wide range of items, adapting to different situations and team compositions.
  • His strong laning phase makes him an excellent support for dominating the early game and getting your ADC fed.
  • Thresh’s lantern ability is one of the strongest basic abilities in the game, providing utility and saving teammates in crucial moments.

Thresh’s Strengths and Builds

Thresh is a champion that can build absolutely anything, taking advantage of the current support item diversity. Whether it’s defensive boots, CDR boots, or even utility items like Kns Val and Chelas, Thresh can adapt to the needs of the team. His ability to engage, peel, and provide utility makes him a great support pick.

Tips and Tricks for Thresh

When playing against champions like Caitlyn, look for opportunities when she roots herself, such as when she uses her W or Q independently of her E. These moments provide windows for engaging with your hook ability. Additionally, Thresh has the ability to interrupt champions like Pike and Caitlyn mid-dash with his E ability, making him a strong counterpick against mobile opponents.

The Impact of Thresh in the Game

Thresh feels like the conductor of the team, choosing when to fight, engage, or peel for his teammates. His lantern ability allows him to save allies from dangerous situations and dictate the flow of team fights. With his strong laning phase, infinite scaling potential, and itemization options, Thresh is a valuable asset in any team composition.