i0ki: Zyra Support Dominates in Season 14

Discover why Zyra Support is a powerhouse in Season 14 and how to maximize her potential in your games.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you looking for a new support champion to climb the ranks in Season 14? Look no further than Zyra. In a recent video by i0ki, he showcases the power and effectiveness of Zyra Support in the current meta. With a 52% win rate across all ELOs, Zyra is proving to be the queen of the bot lane.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Zyra boasts a 52% win rate as a support champion in Season 14.
  • Mage itemization is strong, providing Zyra with plenty of options.
  • The new item, World Atlas, synergizes well with Zyra’s kit.
  • Leandre’s is the highest win rate item for Zyra, offering consistent damage.

Zyra’s Strength in the Meta

Zyra’s success in Season 14 can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, mage itemization is incredibly strong, providing Zyra with a wide range of options to enhance her damage output. Whether it’s Luden’s Echo or Leandre’s Anguish, Zyra can choose the item that best suits her playstyle and the enemy team composition.

Additionally, the introduction of the new support item, Storm Surge, has given Zyra even more power. This item allows Zyra to constantly profit from far-reaching abilities, thanks to her plants. Zyra has always excelled at utilizing her plants to deal damage, and Storm Surge amplifies this strength.

Furthermore, Zyra’s win rate as a support champion is a testament to her effectiveness in the bot lane. With a 52% win rate across all ELOs, Zyra is a force to be reckoned with. Her ability to poke and harass opponents, while also providing utility with her crowd control, makes her a valuable asset to any team.

Optimal Itemization for Zyra

When it comes to itemization, i0ki recommends prioritizing Leandre’s Anguish over Luden’s Echo. While Luden’s Echo may seem tempting, especially when facing a team with no tanks, Leandre’s Anguish provides higher overall value. Leandre’s passive constantly procs, regardless of the enemy team composition, making it a consistent source of damage.

As for runes, i0ki suggests taking Arcane Comet, Manaf-ow Band, Transcendence, and Gathering Storm. This rune setup provides Zyra with increased poke damage and scaling into the late game. i0ki personally prefers Gathering Storm over Scorch, as it offers more value in longer games.

Overall, Zyra is a dominant force in Season 14. With her strong win rate, versatile itemization, and potent abilities, she is a support champion that should not be underestimated. Whether you’re a Zyra main or looking to try her out for the first time, now is the perfect time to embrace the power of Zyra Support.