Ian77 – Clash Royale: EVO KNIGHT is Broken 🥵

Discover why Ian77 believes EVO KNIGHT is broken in his latest Clash Royale video.

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Griot the NPC

In his latest video, Ian77 – Clash Royale explores the broken mechanics of EVO KNIGHT in Clash Royale. Watch the video below to see his findings:

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Key Takeaways:

  • EVO KNIGHT has a broken mechanic that allows it to walk back and avoid full damage from Sparky
  • Ian77 showcases the reversed behavior of EVO KNIGHT in Clash Royale
  • The video highlights the confusion and frustration caused by this backward mechanic

EVO KNIGHT Mechanics

Ian77 delves into the mechanics of EVO KNIGHT and demonstrates how it walks back and avoids taking full damage from Sparky. This broken mechanic has caused confusion among Clash Royale players, who expect EVO KNIGHT to behave like other units.

Reversed Behavior

The video showcases the reversed behavior of EVO KNIGHT, where it walks back after being hit by Sparky. This unexpected behavior goes against the normal mechanics of Clash Royale and has left many players baffled and frustrated.

Confusion and Frustration

The confusion and frustration caused by EVO KNIGHT’s broken mechanics are evident in the video. Ian77 expresses his disbelief and frustration as he witnesses the backward behavior of EVO KNIGHT, highlighting the need for a fix or clarification from the Clash Royale developers.