Ian77 – Clash Royale: Golem Players have 0 IQ 💀

Discover why Golem players in Clash Royale are considered to have 0 IQ in Ian77's latest video.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Ian77’s latest Clash Royale video, he delves into the world of Golem players and their questionable decision-making skills. He showcases several gameplay moments that leave viewers questioning the intelligence of these players. From poor defensive strategies to misguided offensive moves, Ian77 highlights the common mistakes made by Golem players in Clash Royale.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Golem players often lack strategic thinking and make poor decisions.
  • Defending against Golem decks requires careful planning and efficient use of elixir.
  • The E-dragon is a crucial threat in Golem matchups.

The Unwise Defensive Moves of Golem Players

Golem players in Clash Royale are notorious for their questionable defensive strategies. Ian77 showcases numerous instances where these players fail to defend effectively, allowing their opponents to easily overpower them. Whether it’s placing troops in the wrong positions or using ineffective counters, Golem players often struggle to protect their towers.

Misguided Offensive Tactics

When it comes to offense, Golem players continue to make baffling decisions. Ian77 highlights how these players often waste elixir on unnecessary moves or fail to capitalize on advantageous situations. Their lack of strategic thinking becomes apparent as they make suboptimal plays, allowing their opponents to gain the upper hand.

The E-dragon Threat

In Golem matchups, the E-dragon poses a significant threat. Ian77 emphasizes the importance of dealing with this powerful unit efficiently. Golem players often struggle to eliminate the E-dragon, leading to devastating consequences for their own gameplay. Ian77 offers insights into effective strategies for handling this dangerous opponent.