Ian77 – Clash Royale: Magic Archer is BROKEN

Read our blog post summarizing Ian77's video on Clash Royale's Magic Archer and why it is considered broken.

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In Ian77’s latest Clash Royale video, he discusses the current state of the Magic Archer card and why it is considered broken by many players. He showcases gameplay footage and provides analysis on its effectiveness in various situations. Check out the video below to learn more:

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Magic Archer is a highly versatile card that offers great value in many deck compositions.
  • Its ability to pierce through multiple enemies and deal damage from a distance makes it a strong offensive and defensive option.
  • When paired with the Tornado spell, the Magic Archer can clear out swarms of troops and provide excellent crowd control.

The Magic Archer’s Strengths:

The Magic Archer’s main strength lies in its unique attack ability. By shooting an arrow that passes through enemies, it can hit multiple targets in a straight line. This makes it incredibly effective against swarms of troops, as it can damage or eliminate several units with a single shot.

The Magic Archer’s Weaknesses:

Despite its strengths, the Magic Archer does have some weaknesses. Its low hitpoints make it vulnerable to high-damage units or spells. Additionally, its attack range is limited, requiring careful positioning to optimize its effectiveness.

Deck Composition and Strategy:

Ian77 suggests including the Magic Archer in decks that focus on controlling the battlefield and defending against swarms of troops. The Tornado spell is a perfect complement to the Magic Archer, as it can group enemy units together, allowing the Magic Archer to deal massive damage in a single shot.