Ian77 – Clash Royale: The Best Goblin Giant Evolution Deck Revealed

Discover the powerful Goblin Giant Evolution deck in Clash Royale in this video by Ian77. Watch the gameplay and learn the strategy!

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Griot the NPC

In this video by Ian77 – Clash Royale, he showcases the best deck featuring the new Goblin Giant Evolution. This deck proves to be incredibly strong in the current meta, offering a fresh take on the classic Giant Balloon deck. With the addition of the Goblin Giant and the Dark Prince, this deck brings a new level of aggression to the game. Ian77 emphasizes the importance of playing the Goblin Giant aggressively at the bridge, constantly pressuring the opponent. The video features several gameplay matches that demonstrate the deck’s effectiveness and highlights key strategies for success.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Goblin Giant Evolution deck is a powerful and aggressive option in Clash Royale.
  • The deck is similar to the traditional Giant Balloon deck, but with the Goblin Giant and Dark Prince added for extra versatility.
  • Playing the Goblin Giant aggressively at the bridge is crucial for success in the deck.
  • The video showcases gameplay matches that demonstrate the deck’s effectiveness and provide valuable insights into strategy.

Gameplay and Strategy

In the video, Ian77 explains that the Goblin Giant Evolution deck should be played with a more spam-like and aggressive approach, catching opponents off guard. While a more calculated and defensive playstyle can work, the deck truly shines when played aggressively. Ian77 advises waiting until double Elixir to unleash the deck’s full potential, but playing in single Elixir can still yield results.

The deck features cards such as the Goblin Giant, Balloon, Dark Prince, and Wizard. Ian77 demonstrates how to effectively use these cards to create powerful pushes and overwhelm opponents. He emphasizes the importance of managing elixir and making smart trades with the opponent’s cards.

Throughout the video, Ian77 showcases several matches, providing commentary and insights into his decision-making process. He demonstrates how to counter various threats, adapt to different matchups, and take advantage of the deck’s strengths. The gameplay is fast-paced and exciting, highlighting the deck’s potential for success.

Goblin Giant Evo and Meta

Ian77 discusses the potential impact of the Goblin Giant Evolution on the meta. He believes that the Goblin Giant’s new Evo slot opens up opportunities for powerful synergies, such as pairing it with the Dark Prince. Additionally, he mentions the rise of the Drill card in the meta and speculates on its future prominence.

While the video focuses on showcasing the Goblin Giant Evolution deck, Ian77 also briefly mentions the upcoming CRL (Clash Royale League) and expresses uncertainty about what to expect. He acknowledges the ever-changing meta and the challenge of predicting the future of competitive play.

Overall, Ian77’s video provides valuable insights into the Goblin Giant Evolution deck and offers players a new and exciting option to try in Clash Royale. The aggressive playstyle and powerful synergies make this deck a formidable choice in the current meta. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, watching this video and learning from Ian77’s strategies can help improve your gameplay and give you an edge in Clash Royale.