iiTzTimmy: PRO PLAYER Tries ELDEN RING for the First Time…

iiTzTimmy attempts to conquer the challenging world of ELDEN RING for the first time. Watch as he navigates the game's mechanics and battles formidable enemies.

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Griot the NPC

iiTzTimmy, a professional gamer, takes on the highly anticipated game ELDEN RING for the first time. In this video, he explores the game’s mechanics and encounters various challenging enemies. Throughout the gameplay, iiTzTimmy showcases his skills and provides entertaining commentary.

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Key Takeaways:

  • iiTzTimmy faces the difficulty of the game head-on, showcasing his determination and perseverance.
  • The game’s mechanics, such as character customization and combat, are explored and commented on by iiTzTimmy.
  • iiTzTimmy’s entertaining commentary and humorous reactions provide an enjoyable viewing experience.

ELDEN RING: A Challenging Adventure

Throughout the video, iiTzTimmy experiences the difficulty of ELDEN RING firsthand. As a professional gamer, he is no stranger to challenging games, but ELDEN RING pushes his skills to the limit. From the start, iiTzTimmy expresses his surprise at the game’s difficulty, noting that even healing is not as straightforward as he expected.

Exploring Game Mechanics

iiTzTimmy takes the time to delve into the game’s mechanics, showcasing the character customization options and discussing the different playstyles available. He also comments on the lack of a tutorial in the game, highlighting the steep learning curve that players must overcome. Despite the initial challenges, iiTzTimmy adapts quickly and begins to master the game’s combat mechanics.

Entertaining Commentary and Reactions

Throughout the video, iiTzTimmy provides entertaining commentary and reacts hilariously to unexpected events. His humorous reactions to the game’s challenging enemies and unexpected twists keep viewers engaged and entertained. His determination to succeed and his witty banter with his chat make for an enjoyable viewing experience.