Impressive Feats in Helldivers: 104 Kills with 13 Bullets

Helldivers players are showcasing incredible kills with minimal bullets in a humorous Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Helldivers, impressive kills with minimal bullets are celebrated with humor and awe. Players share their astounding feats and witty comments, highlighting the community’s playful spirit and skillful gameplay.


  • Players showcase incredible kill counts with minimal ammunition.
  • Community members exchange humorous comments on the impressive achievements.
  • Some players share anecdotes of even more extraordinary kills without using bullets.

Impressive Kill Counts

Helldivers players never cease to amaze with their incredible kill counts, often achieving remarkable feats with minimal resources. The thread discussing 104 kills with just 13 bullets showcases the ingenuity and skill of the community.

Community Banter

The comments on the post are filled with humor and camaraderie as players banter about the impressive kill count. From jokes about bullet size to questioning the validity of certain kills, the community’s playful nature shines through.

Extraordinary Achievements

Some players take the discussion further by sharing instances of achieving high kill counts without using any bullets at all. These anecdotes highlight the diverse strategies and clever tactics players employ in Helldivers.

The Helldivers subreddit is a place where gamers come together to celebrate impressive gameplay moments and share in the amusement of extraordinary feats. Whether it’s showcasing incredible kill counts or exchanging witty remarks, the community bonds over their love for the game and the skill of its players. As jokes fly and anecdotes unfold, the thread becomes a testament to the creativity and camaraderie that define the Helldivers community.