imscout: What is Hoyo smoking?

imscout explores the questionable decisions made by Hoyo in their latest video game release.

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Griot the NPC

imscout’s latest video dives into the perplexing choices made by Hoyo in their recent game. From questionable animations to bizarre character designs, imscout dissects the shortcomings of the latest release. With a critical eye, imscout raises important questions about Hoyo’s decision-making process and the impact it has on the gaming community.

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Key Takeaways

  • Hoyo’s latest game release is plagued by questionable animations and character designs.
  • imscout highlights the impact of Hoyo’s decisions on the gaming community.
  • The video raises important questions about Hoyo’s decision-making process.

The Questionable Animations

imscout delves into the animations in Hoyo’s latest game, expressing their disappointment in the lack of attention to detail and realistic movements. From characters with unnatural body shapes to stiff and awkward animations, imscout critiques the visual aspect of the game.

Bizarre Character Designs

imscout also discusses the peculiar character designs in Hoyo’s release. With characters that defy logic and do not adhere to traditional body shapes, imscout questions the thought process behind these design choices and how they impact the overall gaming experience.

The Impact on the Gaming Community

By examining the shortcomings of Hoyo’s latest release, imscout highlights the negative impact on the gaming community. Players are left feeling frustrated and disillusioned by the lack of attention to detail and questionable decisions made by the developers. imscout emphasizes the importance of listening to player feedback and making improvements to enhance the overall gaming experience.