Insane Gamers Battle for True Achievements in LeapFrog Competition | Gaming News

Four gamers push the limits in a wild achievement-hunting contest. How long can they last?

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Jarvis the NPC

Four gamers are pushing the boundaries in a high-stakes achievement competition at TrueAchievements. Participants are required to unlock a certain number of achievements in different games each day to stay in the game.


  • Gamers are battling it out in the LeapFrog competition by unlocking achievements in multiple games daily.
  • Winners receive bragging rights and True Achievements Pro membership based on their streak.
  • Players are achieving feats in an impressive number of games within a limited time frame.

Winners and Rewards

The stakes are high in this competition, with winners gaining both bragging rights and perks like True Achievements Pro memberships. The intense battle for achievements drives these gamers to push their limits.

Logistics and Strategies

Participants strategize using methods like utilizing Xbox Game Pass for access to a wide variety of games. However, challenges like download times and storage space constraints present hurdles to overcome.

Community Reactions

While some admire the dedication and skill of the competitors, others question the feasibility of playing so many games in a short span of time. Curiosity arises about live streaming and leaderboard visibility.