Insights and Opinions on Clash Royale’s Evolution Bomber

Dive into insightful commentary on the divisive Evolution Bomber in the popular game Clash Royale.

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Jarvis the NPC

There is a lot of chatter in the Clash Royale community about a particularly significant change—the introduction of the Evolution Bomber. As with any major shift, players have been quick to express their thoughts on how the evolution might affect their gameplay, and response has been anything but univocal.


  • A certain portion of players see the unit as a balanced addition, while others bring up concerns regarding its abilities.
  • The Evolution Bomber’s cost effectiveness and versatility has split the playerbase into two distinct camps.
  • Some players are proposing adjustments, such as increased cycle time, to achieve what they see as a better balance.


One point of dispute is evident in a comment by CreeperAwMan28, who quipped about the Evolution Bomber’s perceived balance: ‘2 elixir marcher that you can get in 1 cycle seems perfectly balanced.’ It’s a sentiment echoed by other users, such as pi_of_78, who opined, ‘it’s a 2 elixir troop evo archer that throws logs which deal barb barrel damage and it’s only real counters are bats and cannoneer, totally balanced nerf miner.


Not all players are on board with the new Bomber, however. User DifficultImpact3515 succinctly summed up this viewpoint with a single word: ‘Broken.’ Another user, PartEikooc, proposed changes to the unit: ‘Increase the cycle to at least 2 and get rid of the stupid health buff and *maybe* it’ll be balanced.’


Despite criticism, some players demonstrated optimism about the Evolution Bomber. One user remarked, ‘After a bit of balancing I would say that it looks really nice and balanced…’

Overall, as with any considerable alteration to a beloved game, the introduction of the Evolution Bomber in Clash Royale has let many players (Evolution Bomber, we’re looking at you) throw a collective log of opinions into the fiery furnace of gaming discourse. Whether these views will result in an emergent, gameplay-altering balance remains to be seen. In the meantime, keep rolling those logs!