Insights into Culverins and Long Guns in Skull and Bones: A Player’s Perspective

Exploring player feedback on Culverins and Long Guns in Skull and Bones combat, offering insights and suggestions for improvement.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ahoy, me hearties! T’ latest Deck stream sparked some discussion ’bout Culverins an’ Long Guns in Skull and Bones combat. Let’s delve into t’ community’s thoughts on these crucial weapons.


  • Culverins face challenges in combat due to current game mechanics limiting their potential impact.
  • Long Guns struggle with low damage output and inefficiencies in targeting weak spots.
  • Players offer suggestions to enhance the uniqueness and effectiveness of both weapon types.

Insights into Culverins

One player highlights that buffing Culverins’ damage may not be the optimal solution, as it could undermine the weapon’s universal design philosophy. They propose making Culverins a stable source of damage by limiting their weak spot targeting ability while increasing damage output for consistency.

Challenges with Long Guns

Players point out that Long Guns suffer from inadequate base DPS and damage drop-off after hitting weak spots. Suggestions include granting Long Guns the ability to deal bonus damage to destroyed weak spots, enhancing strategic gameplay.

Players’ Perspectives

Community feedback varies, with some advocating for overhauls to Culverins and Long Guns, while others appreciate the current tactical nuances of each weapon type. Players emphasize the importance of maintaining balance and diversity in weapon functionalities to enhance gameplay experience.