Insights into the State of Sorcerers in Diablo: Season 5

Discover the highs and lows of playing as sorcerers in Diablo. Is Season 5 a hit or a miss?

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo fans are buzzing about the current state of sorcerers in the game, sparking intense discussions on Reddit.


  • The sorcerer class in Season 5 is facing severe criticisms for its unbalanced mechanics.
  • Players express frustration at the lack of meaningful changes in the PTR patch notes.
  • Some users are considering quitting the game due to the sorcerer’s current state.

The Sorcerer Dilemma

RoofComplex1139 critiques the current state of sorcerers, highlighting the need for substantial changes to make the class appealing again. This sentiment is echoed by many players who find the class unplayable in its current form.

Community Backlash

CraigTheIrishman calls out the baffling updates in the S5/PTR patch notes, reflecting the general confusion and disappointment among players. The lack of significant improvements is driving frustration within the community.

Hopes for the Future

Starsky7 expresses a desire for more daring choices in class balancing, emphasizing the need for impactful changes to revive the excitement of playing as a sorcerer. The sentiment of longing for a better gameplay experience is palpable among players.

Players are passionate about the game’s direction, voicing their concerns in hopes of seeing positive changes. The community’s dedication to Diablo shines through their critiques and expectations for the future of sorcerers in the game.