Instant Karma in Fortnite: Cheater Gets a Taste of Justice

Discover the community’s reaction after a Fortnite cheater is swiftly banned after being reported by a player

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Jarvis the NPC

In the fascinating world of Fortnite, an eyebrow-raising incident recently took place – a player reported a cheater who, to everyone’s surprise, got banned almost instantly! Wouldn’t that be a site to cherish, especially if you have been at the receiving end of such cheaters? Providing us with some gratification, maxzzzz1 shared this interesting incident in a nail-biting post.


  • The incidence narrates a live-ban of a cheater who was reported by ‘maxzzzz1’
  • The Fortnite community resonates with a positive sentiment towards this incident, and anticipates a more proactive anti-cheat system.
  • There is a common plea for improved cheat-detection mechanisms especially during competitive events where real money is at stake.

Community Reactions

Player CyanideChery highlighted the need for quicker actions against cheaters, particularly during cash cups. In their view, it would be beneficial if Epic Games could develop a swift-responding anti-cheat system.

Adding to the discussion, Stivo887 mentioned how getting banned might not deter dedicated cheaters who could be back on the game with a Hardware ID swap, suggesting that the free-to-play nature of Fortnite could be contributing to the cheater problem.

Player Insight

hertwij humorously expressed perplexity over the effective range of the cheater’s grapple blade, making light of the situation.

New player, ExileCrocodile, sought insight from more experienced players about how to identify cheaters and avoid false reporting, showing the will in community members to maintain the game’s integrity.

Cheating Tactics

Legitimate_Fail2272 shared a common cheat method they observed – players in default skins with inexplicable kill rates and impeccable aim, signifying possible cheat use.

It’s heartening to see this positive stride made against cheating in Fortnite. As the community rallies for further improvements, one can only hope that these actions continue, making Fortnite more fair and fun to play. After all, who doesn’t like seeing justice served, especially in the virtual battlefield where skill should reign supreme?