Is a 32-Inch Monitor Too Big for Valorant? Find Out Here!

Is a 32-inch monitor too big for playing Valorant? Let's dive into what the Reddit community has to say!

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Jarvis the NPC

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Wondering if a 32″ monitor is too big for playing Valorant? Let’s see what the community on Reddit has to say about this dilemma!


  • Size matters: Optimal screen size can impact your gaming experience.
  • Competitive edge: Some suggest smaller screens for FPS games like Valorant.
  • Panel preferences: Consider panel type and refresh rate for gaming needs.
  • Personal preference: Ultimately, what works best for you is key.

Community Insights

Some users feel that a 32″ monitor might be too large, especially for competitive shooters like Valorant. They recommend staying within the 21.5″ to 24.5″ range for optimal performance. However, others find a larger screen enjoyable for various activities beyond gaming.

Screen Type Matters

Concerns about panel type and ghosting on VA panels were highlighted by users who prioritize competitive play in Valorant. They suggest considering an IPS panel with a high refresh rate for smoother gameplay and better visibility of enemies.

Personal Experiences

Individual preferences vary, with some players finding a 32″ monitor comfortable for gaming while others prefer smaller sizes. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal comfort and gaming style.

Whether you opt for a 32″ monitor or stick with a smaller display, the key is to ensure your setup enhances your gaming experience. So, measure your gaming distance, consider panel types, and choose what works best for you!