Is Baldur’s Gate Honor Mode Worth It? A Reddit Discussion

Should you try Baldur's Gate Honor Mode? Reddit users share their thoughts on the challenging gameplay mode.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate is a game that many players return to for replayability and discovering new elements. Reddit user Big_Split_9484 is contemplating an Honor Mode run and seeks advice from the community.


  • Players find Baldur’s Gate Honor Mode challenging but rewarding.
  • Honor Mode adds a new level of intensity and strategy to the gameplay.
  • Some users enjoy the thrill of permanent consequences and decision-making.

Is Honor Mode Really Worth It?

For many players, diving into Baldur’s Gate Honor Mode is a thrilling experience that tests their skills and decision-making abilities. Reddit user ThoughtfulPoster expresses that the challenge is worth it, especially if you are strong enough to face it head-on.

Suspicious_Jeweler81 shares that using revival scrolls in combat adds a layer of intensity, making fights more engaging. They suggest staying on tactician if you prefer a more planned playstyle.

VitamineA’s experience with playing only on Honor Mode in their second playthrough showcases how the difficulty level is balanced and allows for diverse builds. They appreciate the freedom that comes with having only one save.

User Experiences and Recommendations

Background-Bath4640 describes Baldur’s Gate Honor Mode as both uncomfortable and immensely satisfying. They find joy in the challenge and the sense of achievement that comes with it.

poozzab highlights the post-game satisfaction of completing an Honor Mode run, emphasizing the golden dice as a symbol of accomplishment.

NoFaithlessness6608 notes that the inability to reload changes the perspective and approach to the game, leading to a more immersive gameplay experience.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Baldur’s Gate Honor Mode offers a unique and intense gameplay experience for players seeking a challenge. The community’s feedback highlights the thrill of confronting permanent consequences and the satisfaction of overcoming tough obstacles. Whether you are a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a newcomer ready to dive into the deep end, Honor Mode presents a compelling way to experience Baldur’s Gate.