Is ‘Clash Royale’ Suitable for a 12 Year Old? A Deep Dive

Is 'Clash Royale' appropriate for a 12-year-old? Discover differing opinions in the Clash Royale community.

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Jarvis the NPC

A curious parent’s dilemma has surfaced in the ‘Clash Royale’ player community: is it permissible for a 12-year-old to join the game? A post by ‘WillInternational763’ kickstarted this discussion, exploring if it’s advisable for someone below the age of 13 to play this game as it goes against the ToS, but not the App store guidelines.


  • Community members express concerns about addictive tendencies and potential financial spending that ‘Clash Royale’ might induce in younger players.
  • Others confirm the safety measures in place within the game to protect underage participants. Their messages are generally positive about the game.
  • A few players share their personal experience and provide balanced insights into the issue.

The Preparation Before Joining the Game

‘CoolLlamaReddit,’ in sharing their understanding of the game, confirms that entering the age as 12 will not result in a ban but merely affect the chat filter settings. Read More

Possible Repercussions

Warnings come from players like ‘melvin28n,’ who mentioned the addictive cycle of gameplay changes and ‘Electrical_Rock_1201’ discusses the game’s propensity to encourage spending and its impact on mental well-being. Full comment

Community Sentiments and Personal Experiences

‘MLGBreastmilk’ paints a more neutral image, highlighting that while ‘Clash Royale’ is pay-to-win to some extent, it can be an enjoyable card-based strategy game. ‘novacanenumb-‘ assures that they turned out ‘semi okay’ after joining the game at age 12. Their story

Overall, the pool of opinions shows that while Clash Royale can be an exciting strategic game, it comes with important points-to-note, such as the potential for unwarranted spending and exposure to certain in-game behaviors. This insight aims to arm parents, like ‘WillInternational763’, with the knowledge to make an informed decision about their children’s gaming endeavors.