Is Co-Streaming LCS in League of Legends Legal or just a Riot Taboo?

A deep-dive into the legality and the rules of co-streaming LCS games in the popular MOBA, League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever flourishing esports scene of ‘League of Legends’, the topic of co-streaming LCS games has spurred up numerous debates and confusion amongst the player community. A recent reddit thread throws light on this ambiguous concept, assessing whether it’s Riot’s way of controlling the spectacle or if there are genuine legal hindrances.


  • The co-streaming issue is muddled due to lack of concrete rules and guidelines by Riot
  • Non-participants in Riot’s LPP program seem to have an upper hand in co-streaming
  • There’s a perceived risk of backlash from the community if a small streamer gets penalized for providing game commentary

Riot’s Influence

Most of the streamers involved in co-streaming are part of Riot’s LPP program. As NeedleworkerKey999 affirms, ‘Yes, you need Riot’s permission to co-stream,’ it puts these streamers in a maze of Riot’s decisions. In order to stay within Riot’s good graces and avoid stepping over boundaries, they must toe the line of Riot’s broadcasting rules.

The Art of Co-Streaming

A few daring players, not under any League Partnership Program obligations, argue if co-streaming is a violation of LCS contracts with Twitch, considering Twitch’s open-to-all streaming model. Does Riot have any legitimate hold over these players? This forms the crux of the Reddit user usergeneratedname1‘s insights, who recounts Doublelift’s previous contentions with co-streaming, further adding to the confusion around this matter.

Copyright Challenges

Yet amidst this murky situation, there seem to be some legal facets looming, vaguely tucked behind the shadows of LCS Streaming rights. vladerino99, another Reddit user, points out, ‘the broadcast itself will have copyright’ and using it without license from Riot would breach copyright laws. This suggests that despite being on the fringe of the official broadcaster’s rules, anyone attempting co-streaming without Riot’s consent might be treading on thin ice.

So while it seems like an open territory with numerous players, large and small, wanting to co-stream and make the most out of this ‘LoL’ community, it’s also a mystifying labyrinth, full of ifs and buts. Peering through, one can see the shackles of legality and Riot’s control. Unless Riot comes forward with a transparent policy, this mystery continues to thrive, much like the jungler waiting to ambush from behind the Baron Pit. So until then, watch your back, summoners!