Is Dagger Duchess Overpowered in Clash Royale? Users Weigh In

Is Dagger Duchess truly overpowered in Clash Royale? Players share their thoughts on the controversial tower troop.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are divided over the power of the Dagger Duchess, with some arguing that the card needs a rework for better balance.


  • Players feel limited by the dominance of Dagger Duchess in matches
  • Suggestions for balancing include adjusting attack speed and cooldown
  • Concerns raised about the impact on gameplay diversity and strategy
  • Some players acknowledge the defensive strength of the card in overtime

Users Debate Dagger Duchess’s Dominance

One player points out the challenge of dealing damage in single elixir without leaving themselves vulnerable to counters: “Its much harder to push when the duchess is out of daggers than people think, because when it is out, its likely you spent elixir attacking, and they placed something that is defending.”

Another user highlights the widespread use of Dagger Duchess in competitive play, suggesting its power: “In the CRL monthly qualifier she was used like 90% of the times with every type of deck. I think she’s overpowered.”

However, a different perspective is shared by a player, expressing frustration with limited resources for experimenting with new decks: “How am I supposed to use different decks when I’m FTP and have no spare cards, gold, or evos?”

Defensive Meta Shift

Some players note a shift towards a more defensive meta due to Dagger Duchess: “I’m starting to get used to the new tower now but it’s definitely turned into a more defensive style meta with duchess because most action will happen in OT with double elixir.”

Overall, the community is engaged in a spirited debate surrounding the impact of Dagger Duchess on Clash Royale matches, with opinions varying on whether the card truly needs adjustments for better game balance.