Is Damage Overrated in Apex Legends? Players Debate the Importance of Damage Contribution

Apex Legends players discuss if damage is truly the defining factor in a match's outcome.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players often debate the significance of damage contribution in a match. A recent Reddit post by user MrOrbitalRadius sparked a lively discussion on the topic. Their frustration at being criticized for not having as much damage as their teammates led to a deeper exploration of what truly matters in a game of Apex Legends. Let’s dive into the community’s thoughts on this controversial issue.


  • Damage isn’t the only factor that determines a player’s contribution to the team.
  • Players have varying opinions on the importance of damage based on their roles in the team.
  • Effective damage output is essential, but it’s not the sole indicator of skill in Apex Legends.
  • Understanding the context of the damage dealt and its impact on the overall gameplay is crucial.
  • Varying Perspectives on Damage Contribution

    Many players in the Apex Legends community echo MrOrbitalRadius’s sentiments regarding the obsession with damage numbers. User Valkrotex points out that while damage is a tangible way to measure contribution, it often overlooks other critical aspects of gameplay. The visual nature of damage makes it an easy metric to judge, but it doesn’t always reflect a player’s overall effectiveness in a match.

    On the other hand, user DekesOfHazzard emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s role in the team when evaluating damage output. Different legends have distinct responsibilities, and it’s essential to assess performance within that context. Comparing damage numbers without considering the nuances of gameplay can lead to unfair judgments.

    User menow003 brings up an interesting observation about players who prioritize damage over strategic gameplay. They highlight the difference between passive and aggressive playstyles and how they can impact the outcome of a match. While damage is crucial, it should not overshadow the importance of making smart decisions in the game.

    Damage as a Metric for Performance

    Some players, like CrossEyeHero, use damage as a primary indicator of their teammates’ effectiveness. They believe that consistent damage output reflects active participation in fights and contributes to the team’s success. However, it’s essential to balance damage output with other elements of gameplay, such as positioning and decision-making.

    Another user, lettuce_field_theory, dives deep into the nuances of damage contribution and its relevance in different scenarios. They highlight the distinction between useful and ineffective damage, emphasizing the importance of staying alive and making impactful plays rather than solely focusing on high damage numbers.

    While damage certainly plays a significant role in Apex Legends, user apexzoner notes that it shouldn’t be the sole factor used to judge a player’s performance. Considering the overall dynamics of a match, including teamwork, communication, and strategic decisions, is crucial in determining success.

    Final Thoughts

    The debate surrounding the importance of damage in Apex Legends reflects the diverse perspectives within the community. While some players prioritize damage as a key metric for success, others emphasize the need for a holistic evaluation of gameplay. Understanding the balance between damage output, teamwork, and strategic gameplay is essential for achieving victory in the fast-paced world of Apex Legends.