Is Fatalis Making a Comeback in Smite 2? Players Sound Off

The Smite community debates the return of Fatalis in the new game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Smite community are buzzing about the potential return of Fatalis in the latest game installment. Read on to see what they have to say!


  • Players split on Fatalis’s impact on gameplay
  • Arguments for and against the item’s strength
  • Debates about balancing items for different classes

S3 Veterans React

Some players believe the return of Fatalis may benefit the game, while others are concerned about its impact on balance.

Lessons Not Learned

Comparisons to the original Smite highlight the ongoing struggle to fine-tune gameplay mechanics.

Hunter PTSD

Fatalis-equipped hunters are causing anxiety among players, triggering memories of past imbalances.

Old Meets New

Players note the nostalgic feel of seeing old mechanics like Fatalis return in the current meta.