Is Fortnite Breaking with Nitro Fists and Magneto’s Power?

Nitro Fists and Magneto's Power have Fortnite players divided on their game-changing impact in the latest chapter.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are in a frenzy over the introduction of Nitro Fists and Magneto’s Power in the game’s latest update. Some call them game-breaking, while others are loving the chaos they bring. Let’s dive into the Reddit discussion to see what the buzz is all about.


  • Opinions are divided on the new additions, with some players finding them overpowered and others enjoying the chaos.
  • Players express concerns about the impact of these items on the game’s balance and skill level.
  • Many expect that the items will undergo nerfs as more players utilize them and new strategies emerge.

Players’ Frenzy

Majorvamu kicks off the discussion by slamming Nitro Fists and Magneto’s Power as ‘no skill’ additions, worse than previous mythics. Their frustration reflects the sentiment of players who feel these items disrupt the game’s skill dynamics.

The Chaos Continues

Nodoyrisa1 adds humor to the mix, questioning if the comparison to ‘waterbending’ is a joke, highlighting the variety of opinions within the community regarding the new items.

Loving the Anarchy

Craigandthesoph embraces the chaos, advocating for more experimental additions and frequent balance changes, showcasing the diverse player preferences for gameplay experience.