Is LEG0 Ruining Fortnite’s Item Shop? A Dive into Reddit Discussions

Fortnite players express concern over LEG0's impact on the item shop. Are popular skin releases being affected?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are up in arms over LEG0’s influence on the item shop. The looming question is, is LEG0 killing the variety in cosmetic releases?


  • Players fear LEG0 collaboration is limiting skin variety.
  • Doubts arise on whether LEG0 is the true culprit.
  • Some players express frustration over lack of diverse cosmetic offerings.

Concern Over LEG0’s Impact

One player points out the potential removal of non-LEG0 cosmetics: “I really am hoping for master chief and resident evil skins. What about those skins then? I don’t think they will get Lego skins?” Another player adds, “Some skins like MHA and lethal company don’t have Lego versions and are still popular, so why the concern with LEG0?”

Frustration in the Community

Some users express disappointment with LEGO’s influence: “I was under the impression this was common knowledge.” Others feel strongly, like this player who humorously states, “Lego eat my dog and murdered my family.” The sentiment is clear; many players are unhappy with the current situation.

Debunking the Rumors

Contrary voices question the validity of the claims: “No it isn’t, there are still releasing cosmetics that aren’t compatible in LEGO.” Players like Ali A may play a role in perpetuating false narratives, as one commenter suggests, “I highly doubt it’s true tbh, Ali A is probably farming.” These perspectives provide a counterpoint to the prevailing concerns.

The Divide Continues

As the community debates the impact of LEG0 collaborations, the divide between those frustrated with the lack of diversity in skins and those who defend the current situation widens. The future of Fortnite’s item shop remains uncertain amidst these ongoing discussions.