Is Mighty Ruler a Great Rank in Tekken? Players Speak Out!

Players debate whether reaching Mighty Ruler rank in Tekken is a significant accomplishment or just average.

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s been a heated discussion on whether hitting Mighty Ruler in Tekken is a commendable feat or just run-of-the-mill. Let’s dive deeper into what the players had to say about it.


  • Players vary in their opinions regarding the significance of reaching Mighty Ruler.
  • Improvement and consistency are more important than rank according to the community.
  • Some players believe Mighty Ruler is a respectable rank for newcomers.

The Debate Begins

Some players argue that achieving Mighty Ruler isn’t as impressive as it may seem at first glance. They stress the importance of focusing on character mastery and gameplay rather than fixating on ranks.

Rank Perception

For some, Mighty Ruler represents a significant milestone, especially for newcomers to the game. It symbolizes progress and dedication to improving one’s skills.

Ranking Criteria

There’s a consensus that skill and proficiency are subjective measures, with different players having varying perspectives on what constitutes a high rank.