Is Mirage the Worst Support Character in Apex Legends? Community Discussion

Reddit users debate if Mirage is truly the worst support character in Apex Legends, with passionate arguments on both sides.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussions are ablaze in the Apex Legends community as players debate whether Mirage is truly the worst support character. Some argue his unique abilities make him a valuable asset, while others criticize his utility. Let’s delve into the heated debate!


  • Players are divided on Mirage’s support role, highlighting his decoy and invisibility for revives as either beneficial or lacking.
  • Some commend Mirage for his strategic potential, with players emphasizing the skill and knowledge required to maximize his abilities effectively.
  • Others critique Mirage, citing a steep learning curve and positioning him as a lower-tier support legend compared to Lifeline or Newcastle.
  • The community acknowledges Mirage’s unique playstyle, with opinions ranging from praising his distraction tactics to labeling him as the worst support character.

Community Divides

Many users believe Mirage’s versatility and disruptive tactics make him a formidable support character. One player commended, ‘Mirage with good use of holograms is hella annoying.’ However, contrasting views exist, with comments highlighting Mirage’s steep learning curve, such as one user stating, ‘Highest learning curve? Yes.’

Maximizing Mirage’s Potential

Some players express that Mirage’s potential shines when players understand his mechanics deeply. A user shared, ‘He’s an asshole to fight against,’ emphasizing Mirage’s prowess in creating confusion and outplaying opponents through deception.

Comparing Support Legends

Comparisons between Mirage and other support legends like Lifeline and Newcastle create debates among players. While some laud Mirage for his combat-centric support role, others argue that traditional support characters offer more consistent team utility.

Amidst the banter about Mirage’s effectiveness, one thing remains clear—players have diverse perspectives on the legend’s support capabilities, showcasing the dynamic discourse within the Apex Legends community.